Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct

The meaning and importance

Through the Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct, the ASD Sporteventi (Association) wishes to convey substantive and behavioural norms that are to be observed and adhered to by all those who work within the Association.

This Corporate Code Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct represents the Association’s desire to promote, in the exercise of all its functions, a high standard of quality and professionalism in the executions of sports activities and all activities attributable to the Association itself, thus prohibiting conduct that conflicts with the Ethical and Moral values that the Association intends to promote and guarantee.

The Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct sets forth the fundamental duties of loyalty, honesty, fairness and diligence expected of all those involved in association life.


Recipients of the Corporate Code of Ethics

The recipients of the Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct, who are obliged to observe the principles contained therein, are: members, managers, parents of members, coaching staff, collaborators (including occasional ones), suppliers, and anyone who carries out activities in the name and on behalf of the Association or under its control.

The Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct will be delivered to all stakeholders and available on the Association’s website.



The Association is responsible for delivering the Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct to all those involved, and signing it obliges those concerned to share its principles, aims and purposes, to observe all the provisions contained therein, to contribute to their application, and to assume the responsibilities resulting from their violation, which constitutes serious non-compliance and is deserving of the disciplinary sanctions provided for by the Association.

The Association is committed to operating in full compliance with the current legal and sports system, upholding the principles of loyalty, honesty, fairness and transparency in every aspect referable to its activities.

The Association is committed to the fight against sports malfeasance and therefore obliges people working in its name to work to ensure that such phenomena do not occur.

The Association, within its sphere of influence, is committed to supporting initiatives aimed at promoting actions to prevent the risk of unethical behaviour and to actively cooperate in the orderly and civilized coexistence of sports.

The Association undertakes not to have any relationship with any person who does not operate in accordance with the rules and principles expressed in this Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct.


L'allentore Diego Bortoluzzi, supervisore al Milan Junior Camp, con otto tecnici dello staff di Sporteventi Quattro ragazzi all'AC Milan Junior Camp di Cortina d'Ampezzo


Duties of the Amateur Sports Association

In particular, the Association is committed to:

  • to promote actions to spread a healthy sports culture in sharing the inherent educational, training and social purposes;
  • to support initiatives aimed at spreading sports for all by enhancing its ethical, human and fair-play principles;
  • to refrain from any conduct likely to cause harm to people’s health, ensuring that health, safety and mental and physical well-being assume a primary role;
  • to avoid behaviour that in any way results or may result in incitement to violence;
  • ensure that all individuals with responsibility for children and youth are well qualified to lead, train, educate, and coach according to the different levels of sports engagement;
  • ensure the necessary supervision of children and young people by ensuring that relations with them are conducted in an irreproachable manner from the standpoint of moral propriety.


Rules of conduct

All those who work within the Association must be aware of the current regulations governing and regulating their functions and must commit themselves to carrying out their activities with commitment, moral rigor, transparency and fairness also in order to protect the very image of the Association.

Everyone, within the scope of their specific activities, must conform their conduct to full compliance with the principles of loyalty, honesty, impartiality and moral integrity, avoiding conduct likely to adversely affect internal relations, thus ensuring mutual respect and respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals.

No one should abuse his or her role in the organization; instead, one should respect one’s employees and foster their professional growth as well as the development of their potential.

No one may procure personal gain in connection with the activity being conducted.

It is forbidden to make statements or make judgments that may in any way harm the image of the Association or be detrimental to the reputation of other persons, entities or Associations.



The primary objective of the Milan Junior Camps branded Sporteventi is to provide an engaging and unforgettable experience for all the children who will take part in the activities and to make them acquire, not only specific technical and competitive skills, but also ethical and social values that contribute to the formation of responsible youngsters. For this to be possible, it will be essential to create a pleasant atmosphere, in a safe and protective environment, respecting simple and unbreakable rules of good behaviour and coexistence.

Participating children are asked to abide by certain rules aimed at preventing inappropriate behaviour and useful in maturing an awareness of respect for common rules for civil coexistence, thus ensuring the proper conduct of relations within the Milan Junior Camp, in a context of cooperation and mutual respect for the benefit of the individual and the community.

Transgressions of behaviour rules will be carefully evaluated, will be reported to families, and may result in infra measures.


Rules of conduct:

  • participants must maintain a respectful and polite attitude toward other participants, the coaches, the Staff, and the staff operating in their host facilities, keeping well in mind the difference in roles between participants and adults operating on the staff;
  • participants must always control your language, keep a normal tone of voice, and express yourself in a respectful and correct manner. The use of disrespectful, vulgar and demeaning words directed toward other participants and/or members of the staff is strictly prohibited;
  • each participant must assume proper behaviour, acts of prevarication and violence toward others, acts of bullying, in any form manifested (physical or verbal violence), will neither be accepted nor tolerated by the Association;
  • participants are required to behave respectfully toward the places, the environment and the materials provided. Children are expected to properly use the facilities and equipment provided, behaving in a way that does not cause damage;
  • a reference number of the Camp secretary’s office will be given to families for urgent communications upon arrival at Camp. It is forbidden to keep and use smartphones and PDAs during sports activities. Where the participant has a personal smartphone, it must be placed, along with other personal items, inside his or her backpack and may be used only at certain times of the day, determined by the staff. ASD Sporteventi disclaims any custodial responsibility in this regard;
  • while staying at Milan Junior Camp, the possession and use of alcohol and/or drugs and/or other substances prohibited by law and/or forbidden to minors under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited;
  • Appropriating and/or taking away materials and/or objects owned by others is strictly prohibited;
  • Individual and/or group acts and behaviours that harm the dignity of the children participating in the Milan Junior Camp and respect for the human person (e.g. photos and/or filming) or for which there is danger to the safety of the person are prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to collect and disseminate texts, images, films, voice recordings without respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people being filmed/recorded;
  • It is compulsory for all participants to observe the organizational and safety regulations dictated by the regulations of the areas in which they come;
  • each participant must be aware that the AC Milan jersey represents a set of fundamental principles and values (such as: FairPlay, education, respect for oneself and for others…), which must be respected at all times of the day and at all places frequented during the different activities.


In the case of non-compliant behaviour, the following actions will be taken:

  • in case the behaviour is sporadic and not particularly serious, the staff will make a verbal warning to the participant for educational purposes, aimed at making the participant reflect and mature awareness and responsibility;
  • In the case of serious facts that disrupt the smooth running of Milan Junior Camp activities or that may be a danger to people’s safety, or even in the case of illegal or malicious acts that may constitute a crime (improper use of smartphones, PDAs, smoking, violent behaviour dangerous to oneself and others, behaviour disrespectful of human dignity, theft, damage to materials or places, etc. ), there will be the expulsion of the participant from the Milan Junior Camp, with no right to a refund of what has already been paid, and those exercising parental responsibility must immediately go to the Milan Junior Camp location to retrieve their children. In case of theft or damage, the exercisers of parental responsibility will be responsible for compensation for damages.

In no case will the free expression of opinions properly manifested and not detrimental to the personality of others be sanctioned.


Lorenzo Cresta e due tecnici dello staff di Sporteventi impartiscono le indacazioni a quattro bambini dell'AC Milan Junior Camp L'allenatore Diego Bortoluzzi con i ragazzi dell'AC Milan Junior Camp presso il campo di calcio del villaggio turistico Bella Italia di Lignano Sabbiadoro


Coaching staff
Coaches must transmit values such as respect, sportsmanship, civility and integrity that are the very foundation of sports.

For this reason, coaches must consider it their responsibility to transmit these moral values by committing themselves to the following principles:

  • promote sports and its rules by exalting its ethical, human values and fair play;
  • behave in an exemplary manner, behaving in accordance with the principles of loyalty and fairness, which is a positive role model for all; not rewarding disloyal behavior or personally adopting it;
  • refrain from any conduct likely to harm the physical and/or moral integrity of the people present;
  • ensure, including through constant updating, that its preparation is adapted to the needs of young people and in particular children according to the different levels of sports commitment;
  • dedicate equal attention and interest to all children regardless of individual potential.



Parents, in sharing the objectives that ASD Sporteventi sets itself through the adoption of this Corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct, in consideration of their role as educators and first teachers of the rules of behaviour, with a view to the growth of their children in a healthy environment under the sign of an authentic culture of sport and its ethical values, in particular undertake to:

  • to give young athletes, and especially children, a sports experience that educates them in healthy physical-motor activity by putting health and mental and physical well-being ahead of all other considerations;
  • to foster in educational processes the culture of fair play and solidarity in sports;
  • avoid raising and/or nurturing expectations disproportionate to their possibilities;
  • promote a sports experience that knows how to enhance their children’s potential while respecting their primary needs and special needs, proper to the natural processes of growth, avoiding all forms of pressure, including psychological pressure, and promoting a balanced and harmonious development of psycho-motor skills;
  • value the pleasure and satisfaction of playing sports and not to exert undue pressure or pressure contrary to the young person’s and/or child’s right to freely choose about their participation;
  • assume, during the course of competitions, attitudes and behaviour consistent with the principles of this Code of Ethics.