Every single location of AC Milan Academy soccer Camp is entrusted to the management and coordination of the Sporteventi’s Manager. The Sporteventi’s Manager is in charge for all the aspects of the camp and in particular for the logistics of the camp site entrusted to him as well as for all the facilities in general.
Soccer Legend – Supervisor, AC Milan Technical Director and Sporteventi’s manager coordinate the technical part of the AC Milan Junior Camp and all the Sporteventi’s coaches present at the camp (one every 10/12 boys around).
Trainings on the soccer field are directed directly by the AC Milan Technical Director, by the Soccer Legend – Supervisor present on site and by the Sporteventi’s Manager, following the guidelines set down by the AC Milan Youth Sector.
Campers are divided into groups based mainly on age, physical growth and finally technical ability, which is judged the first day upon their arrival at the camp (Sunday afternoon).
Main age groups are:
- 7-8 years
- 9-11 years
- 12-16 years
Following is a brief description of the type of work done by each group:
- 7-8 years: Mainly working with the ball (guiding the ball, dribbling, shots on goal)
- 9-11 year: Working with the ball and technical-tactical work (working 3 against 2 or 2 against 1, zone or man defense, movements without the ball)
- 12-16 years: Mainly technical-tactical work
The morning is usually devoted to technical stations; afternoons are used for squad or individual tournaments (drives, shoot outs, penalty kicks, etc.).
As a general rule physical work is suspended on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons to give campers time to recuperate from their hard work. “Recuperation” often occurs in a pool, whenever the town or hotel offers adequate installations.
The trainings sessions are structured on the basis of the AC Milan Combined Method, that is a set of methodologies and training programs designed by the AC Milan Youth Sector – the AC Milan center of innovation and development – in order to pursue simultaneously a plurality of aims complement each other and belonging to different areas, namely:
- technical-tactical area
- athletic development area
- psychological-relation area
- educational area