Lorenzo Cresta is a former professional footballer, with a degree in law, economics and sports management.
He has performed various roles at AC Milan, namely:
- Technical Supervisor, AC Milan Academy in Italy and overseas
- Technical Director, Milan Junior Camp and AC Milan Experience
- In 2017-2018 soccer season he was responsible for coaching the Under-11 category (Esordienti B) of the AC Milan Youth Sector
- He is currently Assistant Coach of the AC Milan Youth Team “Giovanissimi Regionali U 13” (2006)
- In 2018-2019 soccer season he was the Assistant Coach of the U13 AC Milan Youth Team
- In 2019-2020 soccer season he was the Assistant Coach of the U15 AC Milan Youth Team
- In 2020-2021 soccer season he was the Assistant Coach of the U15 AC Milan Youth Team
- In 2021-2022 soccer season he was the Assistant Coach of the U16 AC Milan Youth Team
- In 2022-2023 soccer season he was the Assistant Coach of the U14 AC Milan Youth Team
- In 2023-2024 soccer season he was the Assistant Coach of the U14 AC Milan Youth Team
- He is currently (2024-2025 soccer season) the Coach of the U15 AC Milan Youth Team