The AC Milan Academy Junior Camp is the AC Milan soccer (football) residential summer camp. Football Soccer camps in Italy Europe with AC Milan coaches.
Vittorio Veneto (Venice Area): Location of Excellence
The Marco Polo Sporting Center, situated in Vittorio Veneto (Venice Area – Italy), is one of the three sporting center authorized officially by AC Milan in Europe, with Milanello sport centre (ACMilan First Team) and Vismara sport centre (ACMilan Youth Sector).
Thanks to the first class’ sporting facilities of Marco Polo Sporting Center, the first-rate international food of Hotel Terme*** and Hotel Flora***, the proximity to the Venice Airport “Marco Polo”, Vittorio Veneto (hillside town -Venice Area) has been considered by the camper as the best location where to attend the adidas ACMilan Camp.
The Marco Polo Sporting Center is also famous for hosting in the past the preseason soccer retreats of AS Bari (Serie A), FC Treviso (serie B), ACMilan Youth Teams and AC Milan Team Camp. Moreover it has given hospitality to several updating meeting of ACMilan Lab and ACMilan Coaches.
This year the AC Milan School Academy of Vittorio Veneto (hillside town -Venice Area) will take place from 24th to 30th July 2011 under the supervision of Pierino Prati, ACMilan Coach.