The participants arrive at the camp on Sunday at 2 pm. The check-in takes place immediately and an AC Milan sport kit is assigned to the participants, so they can arrive properly fitted out at the field for their first afternoon training: in fact at 4 pm they leave the hotel to go to the soccer pitch. This first training is mainly to introduce them to their coaches and give them their first instructions on the rules of the camp and the behavior expected of them.
During the next days, the mornings are usually devoted to technical stations; afternoons are used for tournaments or individual challenges (shootouts, finesse shots, etc)
A typical program for the AC Milan Camp includes two training sessions per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Each session is two hours long. The rest of the day is taken up by entertainment and recreational activities (TV room, group play, karaoke, minigolf, swimming when possible, etc.).
As a general rule trainings are suspended on Wednesday or on Thursday afternoon to give campers time to recuperate from their hard work.
The awards ceremony is held on Friday evening, with the parents present, to award cupsand medals to the participants and teams who have won the individual challenges and tournaments which take place in the afternoons from Monday to Friday; a certificate of attendance at the AC Milan Junior Camp is given to all participants and a short video shot by the staff during the week is shown.
11 vs 11 friendly matches are held on Saturday mornings and the camp ends immediately after the lunch.
Finally, there is a special “BEST ROOM” prize for THE MOST ORDERFUL AND RESPECTFUL participants at the hotel: the prize consists of a soccer ball for each member of the winning room.